Three words I have to say : D I E
Shit.Prelim Oral is just next week!AHHHHHHHHHH!!So fast.Its happening too fast!Everything is coming and going coming and going.ARGH!!What to do?Nothing but face the Prelim Oral next Monday and Tuesday...T_T nooooooooooooooooo........We are all going to die......Die of what you say?Embarrassment lah!Don't tell me you are not afraid of Oral?I scared until don't know like what.Save me!!!!!!I don't want to take this Prelim Oral.Anything but Prelim and PSLE Oral.Anything!Except for anything bad.I would rather take the PSLE exam now if I could use it to help me not take the Prelim Oral!! =( I feel so worried.PSLE even worse.There are 2 teachers looking at you as if you are their dinner if you don't read properly.There is so much tension in that room.Its as if you are locked up with 2 lions in one small room and they can pounce on you any minute when you make a mistake!That is so horrible!!You have no chance of living out there my friend.No chance.Thats why we're all gonna die if we don't study hard.